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- Ecoplan
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Ecoplan Bern
Monbijoustrasse 14
3011 Bern
Phone. +41 31 356 61 61
info@ecoplan.chEcoplan Altdorf
Dätwylerstrasse 25
6460 Altdorf
Phone +41 41 870 90 60
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Konzept, Fotos und Inhalt
Ecoplan AG
CH-3011 Bern
Monbijoustrasse 14
Tel +41 31 356 61 61
Fax +41 31 356 61 60
MwSt. Nr.: CHE‑106.037.841
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A prospering economy, but not at the expense of the environment or social equilibrium: this is the challenge facing policy at all levels of government. We support decision-makers with well-founded economic, financial and regional policy analyses. We optimise the organisation of administration and justice and assist their processes.
Macroeconomic Analyses and Fiscal Policy
Administrative and Judicial Management
Regional and Economic Policy
Spatial Development and Regional Economic Effects
Financial Policy
Asylum and Migration
Ensuring social balance and security for the individual in a fair and efficient way: by analysing strategies and measures for improving efficiency, incentives, financing and intra-/intergenerational solidarity, we help our clients to achieve sociopolitical goals.
Labour Market
Personal Security
Our education system is facing major challenges and must adapt to the times. The concept of family in our society is also continuously changing. At the same time, equality between women and men is lagging behind the constitutional goal. We develop research-based principles and create strategies, concepts and specific solutions for decision-makers.
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